Tokyo Homeopathy

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Self Care Blog


No Antibiotics: Post Surgery


Our vet agreed when I said I would use homeopathy instead of antibiotics post spaying surgery for our kitty.   After her her ovaries and uterus were cut out, we brought her home.  Our frisky kitty's head was down and she did not move or eat.  As soon as she came home, for the wound, I gave Arnica.  Arnica re-builds the capillaries.  I put several pellets in a few teaspoons of water and gave her a drop.  A few hours later when I saw that she had perked up, I gave Calendula the same way.  I continued Calendula 3 times a day until the skin around the stitching  looked firm.  (Calendula is actually more powerful than Arnica---but use what you have.)  By the next day, she was walking and eating normally.  On the second day after the operation, she jumped 6 feet to her bed on a shelf.  Without the side effects of antibiotics, her recovery was faster than normal.  See more on how I personally use Calendula post cataract surgery.

Ellen Madono1 Comment