Emergency dental care
Fully developed abscess and tooth decay require dental work. Not homeopathy. The reason is the tissues have already been totally destroyed. Homeopathy cannot bring dead tissues to life. Homeopathic treatment is only successful when tissues are alive. Teeth seem dead, but actually, in health, they are alive. Alive means cells can regenerate. When homeopathic remedies are used in emergency and chronic cases, there are fewer complication and there is less need for antibiotics. Relief of pain is a most important role of homeopathy.
Pain relief tip:
Hypericum is a remedy (a homeopathic medicine) that is used to help with severe pain. It is used in areas of the body where there are many fine nerves. Fingers, toes, face and the mouth are typical. It is like Arnica in that it is at least effective in most cases.
To prevent severe pain during dental work, it is important to use it after the anesthetic is administered. If Hypericum is taken before drug-induced anesthesia, more drug will be needed to overcome the anesthetic power of Hypericum. No one wants more of any medication. For that reason, Hypericum should be used after anesthesia has worn off and pain begins. Use the highest potency that you have. There are many ways to take an emergency remedy, but one handy way is to place a pellet or two in a liquid and sip it when the pain returns. All remedies can be placed in water to avoid save on sugar pellets. The ordinary home remedy kit can be used for generations that way.
Note that if Arnica 30c or 200c is taken shortly before and after dental work, the chances of needing hypericum for severe pain is very low. Arnica has so many good effects on wounds that it is good to use it even if you know very little about homeopathy.
A homeopath-dentist, Gary Fortinsky, who pulls many teeth every week told me in his course that pulled teeth rarely need hypericum. The hole heals up very quickly. Arnica given before treatment and directly after treatment is enough to make the pain bearable. Take it as needed. 200c for an intense pain such as dental surgery.
Why not give more usage tips?
There is plenty of good information on the web concerning the use of homeopathy for dental care or any other form of emergency care. The above description about the use of Hypericum is the kind of information that you really need.
Homeopaths do not fail to put this information up because they want you to come to them. Actually, more training is needed to answer to answer questions concerning:
- When in the treatment should the remedy be taken or at what potency and frequency?
- Under what conditions should the remedy be given? When in a disease process, for example?
Because the details depend on the individual and the situation, it is not possible to train you with a small amount of information. Also, advice on remedy usage would be very repetitive.
More often, we need to choose remedies or the typical remedy does not work and a slightly different remedy is needed. Even Arnica or Hypericum do not always work. Homeopaths do not fail to put this information up because they want you to come to them. Actually, training is needed to answer these kinds of questions. Nevertheless, I would encourage anyone to try emergency homeopathy. I caution you that if you chose the wrong remedy, do not know how to judge the remedy reaction etc., your remedy may not work.