Tokyo Homeopathy


Homeopathy at home

Introductory tutorial. Pdf file of my notes with original text from the book

How to prepare remedies for treatment

Preparing for self treatment

The first step after getting your remedy is to make a handy bottle of the remedy.

A vial of remedy pellets should last a lifetime. Learn in writing how to Make a remedy bottle and take your remedy. Click for a video describing making a treatment bottle.

Learn different ways to control the power of homeopathic remedies

  1. You do not need many potencies. Learn how to decrease the potency without losing the power: 5 cup method to cut through strong medication.

  2. How to increase your potency when you only have a low potency remedy and need a high potency remedy.

  3. Videos on the ideas behind controlling the potency of remedies.

If you are using multiple remedies, this video will help you to organize your remedy-taking process.

If you have only a few pellets, how do you take care of all your friends and relatives who need common remedies such as Arnica or need to eliminate toxins from their bodies? Replicating remedies through alcohol solutions is very useful if you understand how extreme dilution works. There is a science behind nano particles that are the power behind homeopathic remedies, but I can only help you with the basic idea in this video.

Do you want to treat yourself and others?

I offer online tutorials to both casual users of homeopathy who want reliable results.

Ellen MadonoComment